Family Attorney

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A family attorney—an expert in divorce agreements, alimony, wills, financial agreements, family violence, child abduction, matrimonial reconciliation and more—can supply clients with professional information on all family-related matters that may be judged in a court. A law firm dealing in family matters will provide you with exclusive, professional, discreet and reliable service to specifically match your requirements and needs. Furthermore, a family attorney handles all claims filed with family and rabbinical courts and accompanies the client through the entire process, until obtaining a legal ruling.

For situations in which you require the services of a family attorney, we suggest that you meet with a highly-recommended and experienced attorney so as to fully understand the options available to you. Numerous family matters considerably increase the level of sensitivity due to the involvement of children, or instances of death, child abduction or family violence. Therefore it’s worthwhile devoting special attention to family related matters and taking intelligent action. For the most part family situations call for a seasoned and experienced family attorney who knows how to plan legal proceedings to the smallest detail and serve your purposes in the best way possible.

In some cases a family attorney’s service will be accompanied by a process of mediation and arbitration so as to minimize disputes between the sides. In certain situations it is possible to solve disputes this way and thus avoid a lengthy legal process that involves high costs to both sides.

Family attorney
Laws relating to family matters and personal status deal with all aspects of conflicts and problems that arise within the family unit. Typically, the family unit is one of the safest places for us to be, however there are numerous situations in which disputes arise that occasionally require the counsel and assistance of a family attorney. Matters connected with alimony, divorce, wills & inheritances, civil marriage, child custody, family violence and other matters demand that you contact a family attorney.

Child custody
Among the most sensitive issues of family law is the issue of child custody and visitation arrangements following a divorce. Spouses in the midst of divorce proceedings, as ugly as they might be, need to think about their children’s welfare. Frequently, the sides seek results that go in different directions, which make the process difficult and oblige the court to reach a decision. A family attorney routinely deals with issues of alimony, child custody and visitation rights, and can instruct you in how to act in the event there is no agreement on the issue. In exceptional cases the sides exploit the children as tools for obtaining additional benefits in the process of divorcing.

A family attorney will in most cases advise you not to give in to blackmail and threats. Typically, in cases where there is no violence or any other irregular psychological aspects, and in consideration of the child’s welfare, the child will remain with the mother. The court will always protect the child’s welfare, which is the prime consideration in determining which of the sides will receive custody. The court takes into consideration the protection of the child’s health and providing for all of his or her needs. It will never decide on custody based on the desire or interests of one of the sides. Each case is judged on its merits in order to allow for the child’s maximum welfare. In certain situations a judgment might be altered because the interests of the child’s welfare might also change in the future. In such a case the court will reexamine the case.

In most cases when the child is at an age where he is able to use his reasoning powers and distinguish what is good for him, the court will have a conversation with the child and ask him which side he chooses to be with. Generally, such a conversation nullifies the parents’ involvement and is held privately with the child. Here too, each case is judged on its merits and the judge will examine whether the parents have swayed the child’s opinion or if his opinion originates from other reasons.

The process of dealing with family matters
The most important step we can take when dealing with family matters such as divorce is to choose an expert family attorney. In working with an attorney, the process will include proper guidance, advice and accompaniment all along the way in order to minimize damages and execute the process in the best possible way. Legal proceedings connected with family matters can take a long time because family laws are considered to have multiple components that involve important and sensitive matters, all of which have a significant impact on our lives.

To sum up, in situations where the family unit is on the verge of breaking up, or when there is no agreement concerning assorted matters, it is important to consult with an expert family attorney who can provide you with all of the information you need for correctly managing the process.

Should you involve a family attorney in a divorce?
Divorce is a long and distressing process that affects all concerned parties. When children are involved in the process, the situation becomes even more complicated. A professional family attorney will help you handle the entire divorce process, which includes additional components such as: child support, alimony, division of property, child custody, matrimonial reconciliation agreements, and more. The most important thing in the process is choosing a professional, skilled, dependable and certified divorce attorney with a broad overview of the case. It is best to choose a divorce attorney with expertise in other family related matters—an attorney who lives and breathes the profession and understands it thoroughly and from different angles.

Family attorney for financial agreements
A financial agreement formulated by a professional family attorney can lead to the continuation of a happy life and can spare you money problems in the future. Financial agreements can be divided to prenuptial financial agreements, a financial agreement during the marriage, and financial agreements between common law spouses. The agreement will be formulated as per the request of the couple and in accordance with the personal needs of each side. A financial agreement can prevent problems in the event of divorce and will include a division of property section. A professionally drawn agreement written properly must be validated by the court.

Family attorney for matters pertaining to common law couples
The issue of common law couples is a sensitive one with complicated aspects of legal validity. According to law, not all couples who live under one roof shall be considered to be a common law couple. Couples interested in obtaining legal validity as a common law couple will sign a ‘contractual marriage’ contract that grants their relationship legal validity in all its implications. The contract details the relations between the spouses however they lack tangible legal status in the eyes of relevant government ministries; for instance they are not considered as married by the Ministry of Interior. Common law couples manage their lives exactly as any other married couple; however they are either uninterested or unable to be joined in a real marriage. The contract between the spouses is formulated in writing and after its signing, the couple is considered to be a common law couple and are protected by numerous laws pertaining to common law couples.

Family attorney Avivit Moskovich explains which cases require the involvement of a family attorney.
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    Family attorney Avivit Moskovich explains about common law couples.
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